
Friday, January 16, 2015

Four Link Friday... {what I'm watching / reading}

It's a PD Day today in these parts, so we're having a slow, breathing in deep kind of morning. And for when you have a moment to breathe...

1. We pulled the kids in close on the couch to watch this amazing teenager's response to being a "nobody" at a high school just down the road from us. Our kids walked away with a great lesson in how far kindness can go :

2. If you need a lighter approach today to this wild thing we call parenting, Jim Gaffigan delivers. Oh yes.. Luke and I keep coming back to this when we need a deep belly laugh :

3. And not for little ears or eyes, because of it's mature theme.. but I'm torn by this, and a reminder to educate my children on this topic when it's appropriate. Praying that we will never fuel such an industry :

4. Lisa Jo Baker's new years resolutions that are really worth making. This is worth reading. I love number 2 :

"I will worry more about the weight of my impact on the world than the weight of my body on the scale." - Lisa Jo Baker

Happy nearly-the-weekend, friends.

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